Hands with lights in hand. Looking for a skilled online haes therapist? You're in the right place! If you need eating disorder therapy, call now and begin getting support!

You don’t have to do this alone…

Being around family can be stressful and exhausting. Whether you are worried about being gendered correctly or if you are anxious about them hovering over you to make sure you are eating, it can take a toll on you.

But it isn’t just family. Interacting with the world can be just as exhausting. Thoughts about food can be intrusive and can take away from being engaged in conversation with friends or coworkers. Going shopping, going to the grocery store, or going to the gym can all cause your eating disorder brain to fire on all four cylinders. Or, as somebody who identifies as gender expansive, it could mean correcting people, educating people, or just deciding it isn’t worth the battle more often than you would like.

But in either situation, existing in your own skin is hard. Taking a shower or standing in a mirror and looking at your body and hating what you see day in and day out makes it hard to be happy or comfortable.  

You want to feel at home in your body but feel suffocated by all of the voices from family, from the world, or even from their own head that say you shouldn’t.  In fact, you want to scream at every voice that has said that you need to change or conform. And, you want to be enough, or feel love, or build connections with people who accept you as you are. You can find your authentic voice and stand proudly in your light just as you are meant to be.  

This journey isn’t easy and at times can be scary. But you can learn to take the power away from those internal and external critical voices. But you can be brave, be vulnerable, and you can learn to embrace your imperfections.

Smiling woman in chair | Looking for a skilled online haes therapist? You're in the right place! If you need eating disorder therapy, call now and begin getting support!

Hi, my name is Erin and I am a eating disorder and HAES therapist and yoga teacher and it is my mission to help you come to a place where you are comfortable with being exactly who you are meant to be.  I want you to live a life where thoughts about your body do not ruin your day.

Begin Working with An Online HAES Therapist in Saint Louis, MO or Statewide with Online Therapy in Missouri

At Embodied You Counseling, I believe that empathy, vulnerability, and having a safe space to just “be” can begin to heal shame. I would love to hear about your own story, where you are in your journey, and figure out how I can stand with you as you take the next step forward. That is why I hope you reach out today, either by phone or email and set up a consultation.  

To start online therapy in Missouri….

  1. Contact Embodied Self Counseling

  2. Meet with me, Erin, for a 20 minute consultation

  3. Set up your first appointment to start your journey to freedom from negative body image.

Feeling unsure about online therapy? Head to our FAQ page to get answers your questions!

Other Mental Health Services for Eating Disorder Treatment and HAES Therapy Provided Throughout Missouri

I provide many services, both in my St. Louis counseling clinic and through online therapy. However, I am not sure when I will be back in the office. Regardless, you will still receive quality online therapy. I provide online counseling for eating disorders including binge eating, anorexia, and bulimia. I also offer therapy for atypical anorexia and counseling for body image. Other services include treatment for compulsive exercise, anxiety, and therapy for perfectionism.  In addition, I am knowledgeable in working with athletes and members of the LGBTQIA+ community. I also offer online therapy in Wisconsin.