It is so hard to feel comfortable in your own skin
When everything is telling us to look a certain way, act a certain way, and identify in a certain way, going against that image can be scary and maybe even impossible. Friends, family, and the media can make us feel like we are wrong for being the way we are. Sometimes we are even putting those pressures on ourselves. But living like this is not only exhausting but also feels inauthentic to who we really are.
But we don’t have to live like this forever!
It’s time to take back control. Maybe it’s from the eating disorder voice in your head telling you what you can or can’t put in your body. Or maybe it’s from the people in your life that insist on tearing you down, invalidating you, or pushing their opinions of how they think you should live your life. This is your life and it’s time you started living on your own terms…and I am here to help you figure out what that looks like!
Finding the right eating disorder therapist can be an overwhelming process. But don’t let it paralyze you.
Take the leap!
Call and schedule a free 20-minute consultation today!
I can answer any questions you have about starting online therapy in Missouri and you can get a feel for my personality and style to see if I’m what you are looking for!